We are a husband/wife team who dream of becoming published best selling novelists. But then who doesn't right? It seems there are many people who aspire to do the same thing. We did not realize how many "published wannabes" there were out there until we dove into the world of writing. Our goal is to remain positive and never give up. Which, we must say seemed very easy until we actually met other writers who have been striving to be published for quite some time at the New York writer’s conference. Once we entered that world…WOW, we realized it is a very negative world and…YES we have to endeavor and persevere to remain positive. Hence, the title positively published! We plan to write and write and write until we are positively published! We must search for and treasure all the positive encouragement we can unearth. And yes, we must keep writing and editing and writing and editing…until we are published.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

So a great quote...

 "There's a word for a writer who never gives up... published." by J.A. Konrath

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